There is a lot our foundation does each month and we wanted to take some time to share some of our goals and accomplishments with those interested in our work.
Every month we make donations of food and equipment to a number local organizations in our community who are doing work of the utmost and vital importance, tending to our most vulnerable members. This includes donations to orphanages, a home for children with disabilities, as well as to unhoused families.
Also, we have been holding a series of events that focus on empowering women. There is an old proverb that if you educate a woman, you educate a nation. We at LSNF believe strongly that spending resources in support of women is the wisest investment we can make because it invariably leads to most dividends returned. We empower women economically through micro loans and grants to start their own businesses. When women have autonomy and agency to follow their own interests and pursuits, you can safely trust that they will use that power for the betterment of their whole community.
Most recently, The Louis & Scholar Nwoke Foundation is very proud to announce its latest initiative: we will be providing school lunches to children. Many schools in south eastern Nigeria are not able to offer meals to their students. Our Children’s Nutrition and Enrichment Program will provide the dual benefit of ensuring at least one meal a day to children who may otherwise go without, as well as greatly increasing school attendance with the added incentive of a free meal. It is exactly these kinds of targeted and layered investments that will reap the most benefit for those who need it most.
We have many more exciting developments to share with you n future posts, and when possible we would also like to take the time to specifically highlight some people within our organization and our various networks of helpers who are doing wonderful things that deserve recognition.
If you are interested in reaching out to support our work or have any inquiries, we would love to hear from you. You may reach us or at any of the points of contact listed below.
Our development projects pledge to help the most disadvantaged and unprivileged individuals achieve higher levels of success by fostering self-esteem, leading them to a better life.
In line with Louis and Scholar Nwoke Foundation mission to improve the quality of life for the impoverished and homeless, we developed several programs which aim to help those in need in these four main areas:
Homeless Shelter Outreach
We build homes for the homeless. We aim to give families a home they can call their own. We commit to doing this until every person who seeks shelter will have a home to retire to at the end of the day.
We understand how hard it is to start something, especially a sustainable business. It is why we provide loans to small businesses that do not have all the resources for a traditional bank financing service. This project aims to establish a growing community of prominent entrepreneurs through an increased number of small businesses we support every year.
Humanitarian Services
LSNF aspire to help unprivileged individuals have the necessary items that they need for survival without getting any unfair judgment. We equip them with food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities for those who do not have enough resources to get them.
Scholarship Program
Not everyone can afford the cost of higher education, so we provide scholarships to those unprivileged individuals. We believe that those individuals still have a chance for a better life if they have access to quality education.